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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for authors

The philosophical journal Cacto - Ciência, Arte em Comunicação Transdisciplinar (Online) is a continuous-flow online publication edited by the Culture and Art Center of IF Sertão PE – Campus Petrolina Zona Rural. Articles, translations, essays, interviews, research notes or experience reports written in Portuguese, English, French, Spanish, German or Italian will be published. All manuscripts submitted must be original and unpublished works, in the areas of Human Sciences, Social Sciences, Arts, Languages and Social Communication and other related areas, and must demonstrate in-depth knowledge of current research in the area in which they propose.


Articles and essays

Articles to be accepted must follow the following structure:

a) All texts sent to this magazine must be original, unpublished and written in Portuguese, English, French, Spanish or Italian;
b) Originals must comply with the minimum limit of 6 thousand characters and maximum of 24 thousand, with Times New Roman font size 12, left and top margins of 3cm and right and bottom margins of 2cm, in A4 format (210x297mm), spacing between lines 1.5 for the text; font size 11 for abstracts; and font 10 for quotations of more than three lines, titles and captions of illustrations and footnotes. Use single space between lines for summaries, long quotations and footnotes. Texts must be composed in Word for the Windows system.
c) To guarantee the blind peer review process, articles must have a cover page containing only information regarding the title, name of the author(s), training and institutional affiliation of the author(s) in full and in full, as well as your address(es), telephone number(s) and emails;
d) The first page of the text must contain the title in the original language in capital letters, the title translated into one of the foreign languages accepted by the magazine (or Portuguese, if that is not the original language), both in bold and centered. If there is a subtitle, it must be in lowercase;
e) The text must be accompanied by a summary in the original language and translated into two other languages (English, French or Portuguese, if that is not the original language), with a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 250 words, in single space and a relationship 3 or 4 keywords separated by semicolons that identify the content of the text;
f) The structure of the text must be divided into sections, subsections (if any) and not numbered. It is essential to contain an introduction, development and conclusion or final considerations;
g) Direct textual citations of up to three lines must appear throughout the text, in the same font as the text (without italics, except when there is a word in italics in the original text) and between double quotation marks;
h) Quotations that occupy more than three lines must be typed separately from the main text, with a 4 cm indentation from the left margin, without double quotation marks or italics (except when there is a word in italics in the original text), in single space and in font size 10. In both cases, citation references must be indicated (author's SURNAME, year, page);
i) Footnotes should not be used for references. This resource can be used, when necessary, for explanatory notes;
j) Citations and references will follow the standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT), which are exemplified at the end of these guidelines;
l) Illustrations (figures, tables, drawings, graphs, photographs, etc.) must be sent in the body of the text (JPG, TIF or GIF formats), in color or in black and white. The maximum dimensions, including caption and title, are A4 format and must follow ABNT standards for citation.
m) It is recommended that texts and abstracts be reviewed by specialized professionals.


Research notes and experience reports

Research notes and experience reports must follow the following structure:

a) Research notes include final reports of research, study groups, monographs, dissertations or theses. The experience reports deal with pedagogical practices, travel experiences and fieldwork. It is important to inform that in both cases the texts need to establish an interface with philosophical discussions;
b) Texts must contain up to 8 thousand characters, 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman font, size 12, and the same page formatting as the article;
c) The header must contain the title, authorship, institutional link, electronic addresses and summary, following the same rules as the articles. The title and abstract must be presented in the original language and translated into English and French (or Portuguese, if that is not the original language);
d) Citations and references will follow ABNT standards, which are exemplified at the end of these guidelines.



a) The translation must have the written authorization of the author or the person responsible for its copyright, or the prescribed copyright if the text is more than 60 years old;
b) The translation text must follow the general rules of the article;
c) The header must contain, in the first line, the indication “Translation”. The second line must contain the complete references of the work, article, fragment, in accordance with ABNT standards. On the third line, the name of the author, and, on the fourth, information regarding the institution to which he belongs, as well as his email address.



a) The interview must have written authorization from the interviewee or the person responsible for the interviewee's copyright to be sent as a supplementary document.
b) The text of the interview must follow the general rules of the article;
c) The header must contain, in the first line, the indication “Interview”. The second line must include the interview references, name, location, date in accordance with ABNT standards. On the third line, the name of the interviewer, and, on the fourth, information regarding the institution to which they belong, as well as their email address.

Editorial Evaluation Process

The evaluation process takes into account the following steps:

(1) The works will be received and forwarded to the editor-in-chief who will be responsible for checking the work for plagiarism, removing identifying elements from the work and forwarding it to the evaluators.

(3) In the blind peer review there will be a review of scientific aspects with suggestions for improvements and revisions through comments.

(4) Once the previous process is closed and the text is approved, the author(s) are informed of the result which can be:  Accepted, Accepted with modifications, Submit to Another Journal or Rejected.

(5) Publication requirements follow Creative Commons licenses, that is, the work will be freely accessible and may be used by third parties as long as it is properly cited.

No publication fees are charged: all the magazine's work is voluntary and maintained by IF SERTÃO PE and other collaborators, allowing it to be downloaded, printed, read and cited at no cost.


Guidelines for reviewers and editors

The magazine follows the following parameters of good evaluation practices.

There must be no conflict of interest or favoritism on the part of the evaluators and the work sent.
The dates established for reviewers to return their opinions are explicitly important for the development of the editorial process. Reviewers must comply with the return date as an ethical and responsible commitment to their role.
The journal's editorial policy and evaluators' guidelines must be complied with and agreed upon when accepting an evaluation.
The evaluator is committed to trying to identify and indicate corrections in the texts so that the author can achieve scientific excellence.
Whenever scientifically pertinent, relevant references for the manuscript and/or its reformulation must be suggested to the authors.
It is the Editor-in-Chief's responsibility to unify the reviewers' versions into a single version that facilitates the author's work.
It is the Editor-in-Chief's responsibility to compare and evaluate the original article with the article redone after the evaluators' corrections.
Only texts approved by the two first designated evaluators will be published;
If the manuscript contains more than 50% of content that is problematic for one evaluator, a third evaluator will be requested in order to overcome the vote of two of the three evaluators to recommend rejection or submission to another journal.
If, among these three evaluators, two indicate the possibility of approval, the article must be forwarded with corrections to another journal.


It is optional to provide the ORCID code. If necessary, register at:



General Instructions


a)  The originals will be evaluated by the Editorial Team, who may accept, reject or resubmit the original to the author(s) with suggestions for editorial changes. The articles will be sent to the referees, whose names will remain confidential, also omitting the name(s) of the author(s). The journal's editorial board decides whether or not to publish the submitted texts, taking into account their originality, significance and scientific merit. Articles by guest authors are evaluated by the editorial board.

b)  The Philosophy Journal Cacto - Ciência, Arte em Comunicação em Transdisciplinar (Online) will make articles, research notes, experience reports, translations and interviews published available for consultation and reproduction on its website, with due indication of mandatory citation from the source. The concepts expressed in the works are the exclusive responsibility of the author(s), not necessarily implying the agreement of the Editorial Team;
c)  Works must be posted directly on the Journal’s website.


Example for citations and references according to the standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT):

According to the current ABNT standard, NBR 10520 – Citations in documents, references must be called in the text by the surname(s) of the author(s), in capital letters, date and page, when within the parentheses, for example, (SILVA, 1995, p. 43) and in initial capital letters when inserted in the sentence, example: According to Silva (1995, p. 43).

If the same cited author has more than one publication in the same year, identify each one by adding lowercase letters, in alphabetical order, after the date and without spacing. Example: (SILVA, 1995a, p. 35).

Please avoid footnotes as much as possible.

The complete References (only those cited in the text) must appear at the end of the text, aligned completely to the left, in alphabetical order, and prepared in accordance with the current ABNT standard, NBR 6023 – References.


Reference models

Extra care is recommended with reference scoring. The reference must have complete publication data. Only references actually cited should be listed at the end of the text.



Surname, First name and other surnames. Book's title. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication.


Book chapter

Surname, First name and other surnames (of the chapter author). Chapter title. In: Surname, First name and other surnames (Ed., Org., Comp.) Title of the book. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication. Chapter or chapter home page-end page.



SURNAME, First name and other surnames. Article title. Name of the Journal, Place of publication, v. ?, n. ?, P. home page-end page, year of publication.

In the case of articles or materials in newspapers, the following order must be followed:

AUTHOR. Title (of the article). Title (of the newspaper), Place, date (day, month and year). Physical description (notebook, section, supplement or part of the newspaper, and the corresponding pagination).



SURNAME, First name and other surnames. Title of the thesis/dissertation. Publication date. No. of f. Thesis/Dissertation (Doctorate/Master in...) - Institute, University, place of defense, date of defense.



SURNAME, First name and other surnames. Job title. In: EVENT NAME IN ALL CAPS, 5., City, date. Title Anais... Place of publication: Publisher, date. start-end page of the work.


Artigos Transdisciplinares (Fluxo Contínuo)

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.