Lídia Baís e Maria Tereza Trindade. Experiências do traço e da palavra. Escrita de si e autorretrato feminino


  • Fernanda Reis




Lídia Baís, Self-writing, Self-portrait, Feminine art, Feminine writing


This article integrates the final text of the doctoral thesis entitled: Reason and madness in the artistic production of Lídia Baís. Nuances of a feminine trajectory. Defended in the Graduate Program in History at the Federal University of Grande Dourados. The excerpt presented here seeks to think of the feminine written and artistic production based on the experience of Lídia Baís, an artist from Mato Grosso do Sul, considered a precursor of plastic arts in the state, in the process of writing herself. T. Lídia Baís's Story is an autobiographical book written in third person with the pseudonym of Maria Tereza Trindade, from the reading of this work I tried to think about the ways in which women write themselves as a way of preserving their memories, but above all, how writing and art become instruments of resistance in women's contexts where women have long been silenced and erased from public life. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to bring up the discussion that writing and art have become allies of female memories.


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