Igualdade de gênero e avanço social:
Uma análise sociológico-jurídica à luz da Agenda dos ODS no Brasil
Igualdade, Gênero, Políticas, HumanidadeAbstract
ABSTRACT: This study discusses the phenomenon of Gender Equality through the prism of the Sustainable Development Goals Agenda, which is composed of 17 goals in total and has a milestone of fulfillment between 2015-2030. The objective is to raise the magnitude of the importance of fulfilling the Gender Equality objective, as an instrument of social reparation and leveraging the reach of a relevant part of the world pact. Through an exploratory-descriptive examination, of bibliographic methodology, it is envisaged to expose and construct an analysis of the vision of socio-legal studies and philosophy, as areas of interest in the perspective of social resolutions in the face of the problems of social injustice and the absence of gender parity. This examination also evaluates state performance, agenda-society interaction and prospecting for solutions that enable the inclusion of women through equity policies, cultural deconstruction and human similarity, with a focus on the evolution of society.
Keywords: Equality. Gender. Policies. Humanity.