Acceptability and adhesion of the school feeding of IF Sertão of Pernambuco by students in Salgueiro campus
acceptance, high school, adhesion level, school feedingAbstract
School plays a fundamental role forming good eating habits since children and teenagers stay for a long amount of time every day in this environment. Healthy eating in the schools contributes for the learning improving the
nutritional conditions of students. Aiming to know the acceptability and the adhesion level of the school feeding offered to the high school students of this Institute, a qualitative and quantitative study was made. Initially 30% of the target
audience was randomly chosen. Then a questionnaire with objective and subjective questions was applied. We calculated the medium average of the adhesion level, analyzing it through the classification reported in the Manual for the Application of Acceptability Test in the School Feeding National Programme, elaborated by the collaborative Center in Feeding and School Nutrition – UNIFESP/2010. This study verified a high adhesion and good acceptance to the school feeding, however, it is necessary to build a school cafeteria, as well as promoting healthy eating education actions in the school environment in order to promote the feeding and nutritional security of the beneficiated students.
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