Practical activities as a means of solidifying learning: A class on the electrification of bodies

Practical activities as a means of solidifying learning: A class on the electrification of bodies


  • Vagner Luna do Nascimento IFPB
  • Maria das Graças de Oliveira Pereira UERN - Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte - Campus avançado de Paus dos Ferros



The article aims to analyze how practical classes positively impact students’ learning and content retention. For this, a questionnaire was prepared and applied to the students after two classes, one theoretical and the other a practical class, both on the same subject. After application of the questionnaire, the results were analyzed and discussed, bringing a qualitative and quantitative understanding of the data. The students involved in the research are students participating in the Alvorada Project, a project that aims to promote the social and productive inclusion of people released from the prison system. and the theme chosen to be taught in this research was the electrification of bodies. The authors Lunetta (1991), Peruzzi and Fofonka (2021), Lüdke and André (1986), among other authors who deal with the theme of this work, were used as theoretical references.


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How to Cite

LUNA DO NASCIMENTO, V.; PEREIRA, M. das G. de O. Practical activities as a means of solidifying learning: A class on the electrification of bodies: Practical activities as a means of solidifying learning: A class on the electrification of bodies. Revista Semiárido De Visu, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 3, 2022. DOI: 10.31416/rsdv.v10i3.371. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 oct. 2024.