Tragosophy exercises in Pandemic Times: the goat, the sheep and the place of inventiveness in the philosophers practice


  • Alexandre H. Reis Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco



pandemic, ethical world, estoicism, COVID-19


This essay develops its itinerary, starting from an analysis of the scenario transformed by the pandemic of COVID-19, comprising a crisis itself as a human response to the virus. This scenario allows us to evaluate several everyday elements and an idea of philosophical reflection, which always runs the risk of turning its back on the world of life. Some fundamental ideas are, therefore, put under analysis,
as an idea of "encounter", a philosophical and human exercise, mainly when a reason imposes quarantine when there are no other possible contamination techniques. At the same time that social isolation is imposed as a life technique, an idea of philosophy can be compensated, for example, when we return to Hellenism schools that think about exercise philosophy and way of life. Thus, the present time, in 2020, is the opportune time for fundamental analyzes in everyday life, and a philosophy of its own is invited to approach the world of life. In this approach, it is possible to note the political polarizations present in our democracy and the ruptures between the political discourses that show the use of understanding if crystallized in it, as an autonomous pole that does not recognize the same. The essay developed here, therefore, rediscovers an Hegelian idea of the need for philosophy, according to which the reason why the search must join or separate by understanding. At the beginning of our modernity, Hegel points, therefore, to the loss of the idea of conciliation in the ethical world. This return to Hegel, which is absolutely brief, has no other function than to show the need to go beyond tradition, learning from it or exercising criticism. When developing an examination
of philosophy as an academic activity, The Exercises of Tragosophy create explanatory metaphors that refer to the differences between the code and the sheep, to give rise to provocations that show our possible renaissance rhythm. It is exactly this instance of the ethical world that will seek to show and point to a need to overcome it. A tragic expression is taken by Luiz Cláudio da Cruzs poetic work
(Marimagístico. Belo Horizonte: Literatura, 2017) and developed with no sense of choosing some fundamental principles of philosophical practice thought from inventiveness as a fundamental principle to activate philosophical philosophy. Therefore, the essay examines some conceptions of philosophy, for example, stoicism and scholasticism, and takes up some fundamental ideas of western history, such as encounter, split of the ethical world, or me and another, and developing the principles
of inventiveness and disobedience as fundamentals a Tragedy, that is, it is a practical practice that helps in the life of the philosopher, an authenticity that surpasses the sections between everyday life and intellectual life, between the exegetical exercise of reading the philosophical text and the philosophical reading. All this in the light of the current context, marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, which is developing in the midst of a crisis and extends to all sectors of human life.


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How to Cite

REIS, A. H. . Tragosophy exercises in Pandemic Times: the goat, the sheep and the place of inventiveness in the philosophers practice. Revista Semiárido De Visu, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 2, p. 133–151, 2020. DOI: 10.31416/rsdv.v8i2.47. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 oct. 2024.