Os principais assuntos das manifestações registradas na Ouvidoria Geral da Univasf


  • Fabrício Brandão de Souza Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco
  • Alvany Maria dos Santos Santiago UNIVASF




This article analyzes the occurrence of the main subjects of the manifestations registered in the General Ombudsman of Univasf, relating them to the administrative units. This is a research with a qualitative, exploratory approach with documentary research and content analysis of public information, whose source of data collection was the panel “Resolved?” managed by the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU). The study related the main subjects of the manifestations (complaint, denouncement, request, communication, suggestion and simplify) with the administrative units according to their attributions. In this way, the theoretical dialogue between Comparato (2016), Bacellar (2012), Morais (2002), among others, was established. The results show that the administrative units Rectory, Progepe, SRCA, Propladi, General Ombudsman, PROAE, Progest, STI and PU presented the highest occurrence of the main subjects registered in the manifestations, standing out respectively: higher education; teaching conduct; quotas; others in administration; complaint of irregularity; aid; bids; services and systems; animals. Therefore, the importance of that study was evident, allowing the university management to adopt the necessary actions to improve the provision of the public service, as well as to improve the relationship between the members of the academic community (administrative technicians, professors, students and collaborators).




Keywords: main subjects; manifestations; frequency; univasf.


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How to Cite

BRANDÃO DE SOUZA, F.; SANTIAGO, . A. M. dos S. Os principais assuntos das manifestações registradas na Ouvidoria Geral da Univasf. Revista Semiárido De Visu, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 3, p. 719–736, 2023. DOI: 10.31416/rsdv.v11i3.622. Disponível em: https://revistas.ifsertaope.edu.br/index.php/rsdv/article/view/622. Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.



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