Environmental, Social and Governance Issues in Agriculture:
a systematic literature review.
Environment, Social, Governance, Agricultural Sector, Systematic reviewAbstract
ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) practices have gained emphasis in various business sectors, in an attempt to maintain balanced economic growth – including in the agricultural sector. In this sense, the study sought to systematically analyze how the literature has approached the application of the ESG concept in organizations in the agricultural sector. The methodological approach was the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) based on a comprehensive protocol. After the search and applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, nine articles were analyzed based on the following criteria: objective of the articles; application context; methodology used; limitations of the research, in addition to indications for future research. The main results indicate that the limitations of research on ESG in agriculture vary in nature, reflecting the diversity of studies on the topic. Furthermore, researchers in the field have indicated the need to develop more comprehensive and comparative research, as well as a more complete understanding of the impact and implementation of ESG practices in agriculture. There is also a lack of research that seeks to analyze managers' motivations for developing ESG practices and relationships with organizational partners.
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