A Filosofia e o seu Ensino
Philosophy, Teaching, Didactics, School, UniversityAbstract
This article when reflecting on Philosophy and its Teaching considers, directly, that is, without deviations or reservations, the experiences and experiences of philosophy teachers in the classroom, in secondary and higher education, in our Mozambican reality. Thus, taking as support knowledge from the field of general didactics and philosophy didactics articulates them in consonance with the positions of some selected exponents in these areas of knowledge having as leitmotiv the challenge of constructing theoretical and practical methodological alternatives to be adopted by philosophy teachers and, in this way, to properly adapt their teaching. In this line of didactic research, innovation and methodological experimentation we have advanced with the following motions: philosophy is understood as being, primarily, a human activity that pleads for an autonomous, responsible, and critical thinking, and, therefore, it requires an obstinately reflective and dialogical attitude that results in a transforming action of oneself, of the other and of the circudante reality; Socratic maieutics, currently transformed into constructivism, together with the methodology of Jacotot constitute, in our view, the most appropriate and relevant methods for the didactics of philosophy in Mozambique; the academic commitment of the professor of philosophy, as a mediator, must coincide with the purpose of carving and mobilizing the intellectual spirit of the students not to be contaminated by the indifference that leads to alienation and cowardice in relation to reality.
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