The anthropic action and its implications on the vegetation cover of the rural community of Paredão/BA: a comparative study of intact and degraded areas
Caatinga, Environmental degradation, Sustainability, Semi-aridAbstract
Nowadays is of prime importance to the preservation of the biomes, in view of the importance of environmental sustainability to ensure the future of the next generations. The caatinga is a biome threatened of extinction for the account of the origin and climatic, mainly on account of the anthropic action, which causes the process of desertification. The objective of this study was to analyze the changes that have occurred on the plant cover of the Community of Paredão/BA, from the perspective of human action. After bibliographic survey, it was made a visit to the community focus of the research and then went to field research, conducting a survey in locus, electing two areas
of forest of caatinga: a still preserved and other totally degraded. The case study of comparative revealed the causes and effects of that there are still passages of pre The results indicate the need for implementing a conceptualized education, where the population can learn to live in a balanced way in context semi-arid. Served forest, as also pointed out the causes and consequences of areas that are totally degraded in this region
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