Computational Thinking as a methodology for teaching Programming Logic




Lógica de Programação, Pensamento Computacional, Aprendizagem


This study aimed to carry out a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to learn about the experiences of using and applying Computational Thinking in an international context. Therefore, the RSL was carried out using the PRISMA methodology, analyzing the main works that addressed the subject arranged in publications available in the Science Direct, Scopus, SBC Open Lib and Google Scholar databases. The results of the work showed that the Scratch tool combined with alternative methodologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality are being disseminated to present the concepts of Computational Thinking. The use of alternative technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Digital Games and Virtual Reality as an increment to the teaching process also appears as a mechanism that motivates the reward challenge, however, it appears that despite the use of alternative methodologies, the application is still very difficult. superficial, in need of deepening. Sixteen articles were analyzed, with the aim of presenting an overview of the research area and describing the researchers' statements and results from works published in the English language.

Author Biography

José Walter Paulino Júnior, IF Sertão - PE

Graduated in Information Systems from Faculdade Paraíso do Ceará (2016), MBA in Project Management from Faculdade de Juazeiro do Norte (2017), specialization in Digital Technologies for Basic Education from Universidade Estadual do Ceará (2018). He also has Pedagogical training in Letters from the UNINTER International University Center, equivalent to a degree and a specialization in School Management (2020). She is a master's student at the Graduate Program in Professional and Technological Education-ProfEPT offered by IF-Sertão Pernambucano. He is a student of the specialization in Structure and Management of Computer Networks. He started his career as a teacher in 2008, when he taught a course in Educational Informatics. He is currently Professor and Coordinator of the Technical Course in Informatics, EMI axis (Integrated High School) by the CENTEC/SEDUC-CE Institute, located at the Irmã Ana Zélia da Fonseca State School of Professional Education - CREDE 20. He was a professor at the E-Jovem Project - Module II - CENTEC/SEDUC-CE (2012-2015) teaching the subjects of Free Software, Hardware, Computer Networks, Web Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery and PHP), Database and Joomla. He also worked as a professor of the technical course in Computer Networks by the MEDIOTEC/PRONATEC program (2017-2019), teaching classes in the following subjects: Basic Informatics, Hardware Installation, Computer Networks, Network Administration, Operating Systems, Data, Assembly and Installation of Computer Systems, Application Software, Troubleshooting, Reestablishment of a Workstation and Course Conclusion Work I and II. In 2021 he also taught at PRONATEC FIC, the Computer Assembler and Repairer course. In 2022, he taught Mathematics and Informatics at PRONATEC / FIC Novos Caminhos, in the professional course in Warehouse. He has experience in Computer Networks, Computer Science, Professional Education and School Management, working on the following topics: Data Communication, Computational Thinking, Gamification, Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining and Active Methodologies. He is interested in Professional and Technological Education, Applied Computing, Computational Thinking, Blockchain, Metaverse and Cryptocurrencies.


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How to Cite

PAULINO JÚNIOR, J. W.; OLIVEIRA, F. K. de. Computational Thinking as a methodology for teaching Programming Logic. Revista Semiárido De Visu, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 1, p. 530–540, 2024. DOI: 10.31416/rsdv.v12i1.394. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 oct. 2024.