The functioning of authorship in the use of technical terms in internship reports of the medium level technical course in buildings of IF SERTÃO-PE, campus Salgueiro

The functioning of authorship in the use of technical terms in internship reports of the medium level technical course in buildings of IF SERTÃO-PE, campus Salgueiro


  • Handherson Leyltton Costa Damasceno IF Sertão-PE
  • Felipe Augusto Santana do Nascimento IFAL
  • Márcia Mirelly Callou Freire IFSertãoPE



Análise do Discurso, Relatório de estágio, Edificações


The completion of the internship report is a mandatory requirement for the completion of the Integrated Technical Middle Level Course of Buildings of the Instituto Federal do Sertão Pernambucano (IF SERTÃO-PE), Salgueiro campus. This article, anchored in the theoretical framework of Discourse Analysis, aims to analyze how students of the Building Course mobilize technical terms in their reports, constituting themselves authors of their works. For this purpose, reports of internships in the Buildings area will be selected, made available on the online platform Repository of Open Readings (Releia) of the IF SERTÃO-PE. Through a qualitative analysis, the linguistic-discursive modes of appropriation of technical terms in the construction of internship reports will be analyzed, observing how the high school student constitutes the author in his report. As they are integrated high school students, it is expected to observe a greater difficulty in the insertion and appropriation of technical terms in their internship reports in the construction of their authorship.


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How to Cite

DAMASCENO, H. L. C. .; SANTANA DO NASCIMENTO, F. A.; CALLOU FREIRE, M. M. The functioning of authorship in the use of technical terms in internship reports of the medium level technical course in buildings of IF SERTÃO-PE, campus Salgueiro: The functioning of authorship in the use of technical terms in internship reports of the medium level technical course in buildings of IF SERTÃO-PE, campus Salgueiro. Revista Semiárido De Visu, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 3, 2022. DOI: 10.31416/rsdv.v10i3.373. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 oct. 2024.