Experience reports on teaching philosophy in brazil: scope review and novikoff dimensions





education, teaching, learning, research


Education must ensure the free exercise of reason while seeking to form critical beings capable of
acting actively in society, a perspective that makes teaching Philosophy a strategy. Special attention
should be given to the worldview and academic assumptions adopted by the educator, variables that
can be identified by the Novikoff Dimensions which, together with the teaching of Philosophy,
ensures the identification of weaknesses and strengths related to the process, which may: (1) be
reported in the form of Reports Experience and; (2) later summarized. The scientific literature does
not present review studies involving the teaching of Philosophy in Brazilian institutions in the form
of Experience Reports, the objective of the present study. A Scope Review was conducted with a
search in six databases using descriptors that should be included in the Title section of manuscripts
available in full. Three citations were retrieved, which addressed the perceived difficulties and
actions developed involving teachers and students. They involved students from Elementary, High
School and Youth and Adult Education and pointed out the importance of didactics, a variable that
should be considered in future research.

Author Biographies

Augusto Santana Palma Silva, Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco (UNIVASF)

Bacharel em Farmácia pela Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco. Pós-graduando em Saúde Pública com Ênfase em Saúde da Família pela Faculdade de Educação Superior de Pernambuco (FACESP). Pós-graduando em Dinâmicas de Desenvolvimento do Semiárido pela UNIVASF

Sheila Torres Feitosa Silva, Faculdade de Educação Superior de Pernambuco (FACESP)

Bacharela em Administração pela Universidade Norte do Paraná (UNOPAR). Pós-graduanda em MBA com Ênfase em Recursos Humanos pela Faculdade de Educação Superior de Pernambuco (FACESP)


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How to Cite

SILVA, A. S. P. .; SILVA, S. T. F. . Experience reports on teaching philosophy in brazil: scope review and novikoff dimensions. Revista Semiárido De Visu, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 2, p. 333–343, 2020. DOI: 10.31416/rsdv.v8i2.64. Disponível em: https://revistas.ifsertaope.edu.br/index.php/rsdv/article/view/64. Acesso em: 18 oct. 2024.